Thursday, April 14, 2011

Homemade Bread

I love to make homemade bread. It's become a hobby of mine. It's so yummy, and a lot of fun to make. I have tried several different recipes, but the one I like the most is the one Utah Deal Diva posted a while back. You can find the recipe here. This recipe makes 2 big loaves.

I use half of the sugar the recipe calls for, and I find it still has a really good taste. Dough Enhancer really does help wheat bread a lot. I buy mine at Macey's during the case lot sales for $3.99.

I have also found that sometimes you need all of the flour the recipe calls for (6 cups) and sometimes you don't. I think it depends on the weather outside. I usually use between 4 1/2 to 6 cups. I always add the wheat flour first, and then the white flour. You know you have enough flour when the dough pulls away from the sides of the mixing bowl, but still just slightly sticky. If you use too much flour, the bread will crumble when cut.

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