Saturday, April 2, 2011

Thrifty Tip of the Day

I am always looking for ways to save money in every aspect of my life. Today, I wanted to share one thing that I feel has really helped me over the past few weeks, especially since gas prices have started going back up again.

Instead of waiting until my gas gage is in the red, I now fill up my car when my gas gage is half full. I originally saw the idea from an ad I saw on a bus. I really don't know if it has saved us money on gas, because I have not tracked it, but I feel like it's not such a pinch in our budget. Instead of it costing $80-$90 to fill us our van, it's only half that cost now when I fill up.

Do you have any thrifty tips to share that have helped you save money? We would love to hear them. Please leave us a comment, we would love to hear from you!

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